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French Club

Select A New Fine Arts
Darlene Francis Phone Icon 222-222-2233


The French Flag
The French Flag

Upcoming Events:

French Club Party
Monday, April 3rd - 8pm 

Ratatouille with Ratatouille! We will watch the movie while eating delicious Ratatouille prepaired by officers of the French Club. So come have dinner and a movie on the French Club! Get your t-shirts and bring the French Club into a new and promising year!!

Les Visages Fraîches:

This semester we have almost a completely new cabinet. Come to our next meeting to be introduced to the new French Club Officers.

Photos are finally up!

Okay, so I know this is long overdue, but the photos from the French Festival celebration this year are FINALLY up! There were some technical difficulties and time issues that I had to sift through, but after waiting long enough, they are in the photo album section for your viewing pleasure! :) Thanks for your patience everyone!